Egg Salad Recipe

Submerge the eggs in 2 inches of cool water in a pot on the stove-top. Gradually bring them to a boil. Once the boil is reached, cover the pot and remove them from the heat. Let them sit for 12 minutes.
Place them in a colander and rinse them under cool running water to stop the cooking process. Once cooled, peel each egg.
Slice each egg in half lengthwise. Use a small spoon to remove the yolks and transfer them to a small bowl. Dice the egg whites into fine squares of equal size.
Add the vinegar to the warm egg yolks and let them cool, then add the mayonnaise, relish, mustard, dill, paprika and garlic salt. Mix until well-combined, then gently stir in the onions, celery, and diced egg whites until well comibined.
If possible, chill for at least 30 minutes prior to serving. If desired, serve over 4 sandwiches or lettuce wraps
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